A Guide To ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

People can be forgetful and get random bursts of energy. But frequent inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity could be signs that there is something more going on. Those are all symptoms of Attention Hyperactivity Disorder, commonly referred to as ADHD.



Usually ADHD appears under the age of seven but it can take longer for it to be diagnosed. It results in a lack of impulse control and unusually high levels of movement. You might recognize these kids as the ones who can’t sit still, don’t stop talking, or won’t follow directions. While ADHD is the root cause of these actions, they can often be labeled as weird, trouble causers, or undisciplined.



There are many neurodevelopmental disorders in the world, ADHD is the most common one. People around the world are diagnosed with ADHD every day.



How Does ADHD Present?



You will find that there are varying images of what a child with ADHD looks like but the most common one is of a child who is constantly moving and unable to control themselves. ADHD is a complex disorder that presents in any number of ways. Sometimes the hyperactivity isn’t displayed physically, some people with ADHD have wandering minds. Others get super focused on a task.



Many parents wonder how to identify whether or not their child has ADHD. It can be difficult without professional help to determine the difference between normal behavior and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. One of the biggest things to look for is ADHD related behavior that spans all parts of a child’s life, including: social life, school life, and home life.



Sometimes children and adults with ADHD go undiagnosed because their symptoms don’t present outwardly. Such as those who get lost in their own thoughts. They can also go without being diagnosed because they aren’t disruptive or don’t make a scene.



The Most Common Forms of ADHD



Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder presents in a number of ways but there are three common forms.



  • Has: Inattentiveness
    Does Not Have: Hyperactivity and Impulsive Behavior
  • Has: Hyperactivity and Impulsive Behavior
    Does Not Have: Inattentiveness
  • Has: Inattentiveness, Hyperactivity, and Impulsive Behavior



The last form of ADHD is the most common to see. It is also the most noticeable.



Inattentiveness As Part Of ADHD



Those with ADHD have a hard time focusing on tasks that are boring or repetitive. A lot of school activities are such and thus it results in poor retention in school. They also tend to move between tasks with no obvious reason to change.



However, ADHD does not mean that a child cannot focus. Children with ADHD can often focus when they find an activity or topic enjoyable. This may be why a child with ADHD can do well in one class while do poorly in others.



Hyperactivity As Part Of ADHD



When someone thinks of ADHD the first thing that comes to mind is the hyperactivity. Kids who have hyperactivity as part of their ADHD may try to do many things at once, may need to constantly be moving, or fidget. Sitting still can be very difficult for them and may require all of their focus.



Hyperactivity may also present as constant talking, constantly getting lost in one’s thoughts, or as having a short temper.



Impulsiveness As Part of ADHD



Children and adults with ADHD often struggle with self-control. They are not able to censor their expressions and words as much as others. Being overly personal and not knowing boundaries can also be a sign of impulsiveness as part of ADHD. You might also see that they do not know the right time to ask questions, and as such ask questions that are not relevant.



Just like with hyperactivity, impulsiveness can display as sensitivity or having a short temper.



Positive Effects Of ADHD



Many think of only how ADHD negatively impacts a person. Most people with ADHD also experience a number of positive effects. They may excel in certain areas or traits such as:



  • Enhanced Creativity: Daydreaming and constant thoughts can lead people with ADHD to be good problem solvers and creatives. They come up with more unique ideas than most other people.
  • Great Flexibility – Those with ADHD tend to find all possible outcomes and as such are able to be more flexible in life.
  • A Lack Of Boredom – Most people with ADHD are not boring, they are spontaneous and lively. You will often have a fun time around them.
  • Energy To Keep Pushing – ADHD tends to give people an extra level of energy. They are able to achieve many hard tasks and succeed. They can also play hard. The ability to have extra energy increases when they are engaged in an activity that they like.



How To Help Those With ADHD



Children who don’t receive treatment for their ADHD often cause trouble in class and other parts of their lives. This isn’t their fault, they struggle with the ability to control their minds and bodies. A lack of control and constantly being viewed as a trouble can lead to self-esteem issues and stress. Not just for the child either.



Helping those with ADHD can make a big difference in their lives. Treatment can be a big place to start. Professionals will use a multiprong approach to treating ADHD that includes: therapy, social education, dieting, exercise, learning education, and sometimes medication.



One of the biggest ways that you can help your child with ADHD is by preparing a place for them to study at home that is free of distractions. This will help them to stay on topic, even when they don’t like the topic being covered.



Establishing structure in the home can also help to keep kids with ADHD on track. They will know what needs to be done and when. The more they repeat it, the more likely they are to continue.



When it comes to school, most schools will offer accommodations to those with ADHD. Longer times on tests, alternative testing environments, specialized textbooks, and tutoring can all be used. A learning plan should be developed to help establish how your child will receive a specialized education.



Just because someone has ADHD doesn’t mean that they are weird or bad. Often times those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder accomplish great things. They can also excel in school, especially if they specialize in a topic that interests them. Treatment and help can make a big difference in their lives.